How To Export Your Emails from Gmail As .Mbox File
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How To Export Your Emails from Gmail As .Mbox File

To Export E-Mails from GMAIL to your local drive, please follow the below steps:

  1. Visit Download your Data -> Account Settings in your Gmail Account
  2. Make sure Mail is checked under Configure your data archive.
  3. Click Edit under Mail if available
  4. Make sure Select labels is selected under Gmail labels
  5. Now make sure all the labels you want to include in your Mbox file are checked under Select labels to download.
  6. Click OK.
  8. Wait for your Mbox file email archive to be created.
  9. You need not keep the Download your data – Account Settings page open; Gmail will continue creating your download in the background.
  10. Instead, wait for an email from “Google Takeout <>” with the subject “Your Google data archive is ready” when Gmail has finished collecting and exporting your emails to an Mbox file.
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